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Dr. Diane Howard's Scholarship

Dr. Howard has developed curricula for more than twenty college, performance communication courses. She has designed, developed, and delivered educational research, curriculum development, and programs for BellNET, an educational videoconference network. She has developed presentations and provided distance, educational instruction for college students and for regional teachers and administrators. She has served as a reviewer of state grant applications for technology in education.

Dr. Howard has been involved in scientific, educational research. She has conducted quantitative and qualitative research to study the relationship of role models to locus of control, a strong predictor of achievement motivation in college students. She has particularly concentrated the focus of her research on marginalized and disadvantaged populations such as females, members of minority groups, and the physically challenged. She has contributed to scientific research the verification (by strong statistical results) that locus of control is a changeable variable and that there is a strong relationship between observation of role models and development of internal locus of control.

Dr. Howard has been committed to role-modeling research, communication, and performance skills for her students and clients. She has been a contributor to BELLNET, Texas videoconference system. She regularly speaks or performs for civic, educational, and performing arts organizations. In 1989 the Sears Roebuck Foundation honored her for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership for her work at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. She was UMHB's 1999 nominee for the Piper Professor award for teaching excellence and professionalism. In 1998 she was invited to New York City to NYU to begin serving on the steering committee for Performance Studies International. She has been  actively involved on national and international levels in fields of communication and performance studies. She has regularly presented her work at national and international conferences. (See presentations.)

Dr. Howard has been a regional, national, and international on-site and distance professor, public speaker, and performer. At these levels she has also been a coach, consultant, and presenter. She has served on boards of directors and steering committees for regional performing arts and cultural organizations, such as the Evergreen Performers of Tacoma, WA; the CAC Chorale and Cultural Activities Centerr of Temple, TX; Tablerock Festivals of Salado, TX; and Texas Nafas of Austin, TX.

She has served at leadership levels on steering committees, boards of directors, and advisory boards for international organizations such as the following:

PSi (Performance Studies International, Founding Member, Presenter, Steering/Sub-Committees)

NAAAS (National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates - National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, National Association of Native American Studies, and the International Association of Asian Studies; International Board of Advisors, Presenter, Writer)

WAOE (World Association of Online Education; Officer Online Education Curriculum Committee, Online Writer, International Book Reviewer, Online Graduate Ed. Mentor)

Her research has included the following:

1991- 1996

The Relationship of Internal Locus of Control and Female Role Models in Female College Students, Dr. Diane Howard


The Relationship of Role Models Via Videoconference Presentation and Internal Locus of Control in African American College Students, Dr. Diane Howard, Dr. Stan Dyer


Comparing On-Site and Distance Interpersonal Communication Skills, Dr. Diane Howard, Dr. Stan Dyer

2001- 2013

Ongoing Research in Performance Communication

Dr. Howard is a committed, Christian educator. She has been dedicated to facilitating students onsite and online. She has developed proactive strategies for a range of students from struggling to productive students. Fundamentally, she has been committed to facilitating the following: edifying projects, student-centered learning, creativity, critical thinking, practical projects, collaboration, negotiation, community, teamwork, mutual respect, and productivity in onsite and online educational contexts.


Scholarly Articles